Screenbuster Program – Tech Talks for Teens

Finding the balance between virtual and real

The Problem

Are you feeling lonely, anxious and depressed, even though you spend loads of time on social media? Do you wonder if there is a better life…‘beyond the screen’? Do you think you might be addicted to your phone?

Your generation is the first to grow up completely surrounded by screen-based technology, and it absolutely can affect your mental health and wellbeing. It’s time to take control of your life and knowledge is power.

The Technology Management – Tech Talk for Teens is a free 5 hour webinar where you learn about ‘dopamine deficit’, the down side of porn, and how to get interested and engaged in real life. Included in this webinar is the Screenbuster training which qualifies teens to provide Tech Talk sessions to fellow students. Go ‘beyond the screen’ and become a certified Screenbuster Influencer

AOTA-Approved Provider Program

Reconnect Webinars is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development approval #6106.

This webinar is offered at 5.5 CEUs at advanced education level for OT service delivery and foundational knowledge categories.

You will be asked to create a profile to access free webinars (done via the checkout process). This allows the website to grant your access and track your progress through modules in the webinar. Reconnect Webinars is committed to your privacy and will not share your data.

Teens use on average 9.0 hours per day of entertainment technologies. TV, video games, social media, internet, movies, porn, You Tube, cell phones and a variety of handheld devices now occupy the majority of teens’s waking hours – but what’s the downside? Current research shows that developmental delay, obesity, sleep deprivation, mental illness, aggression, social isolation, poor communication, attention deficit and learning disorders are all associated with screen overuse. With the recent surge in use of screens for education purposes, many students are struggling with using the same device for both education and entertainment, resulting in difficulties meeting academic expectations. Sedentary, overstimulating and isolating, screens are threatening teen physical, mental, social and cognitive health.  While students generally report they don’t see the harm in screen use, the research paints a different story. Over 50% of teens report they are addicted to their devices and over 50% report depression and anxiety. 3 out of 4 students are sleep deprived with negative impact on mental and physical health. Schools are creating Virtual Classrooms, and homes are creating Virtual Families, further alienating teens from essential critical components required for growth and success. Teens are our future, yet choices made today raise the question: are the ways in which we are using screens no longer sustainable?

Zombie Kid T-Shirt

Learning Outcomes


Cris Rowan, BScOT, BScBi, SIPT

An outspoken critic on the impact of technology on human development, behavior, and productivity

Webinar creator Cris Rowan, is passionate about changing the ways in which humans use and interact with technology. Cris has developed a concept termed Balanced Technology Management (BTM) where humans strive to manage balance between healthy activity and technology.

She works globally and locally and has cross culture relevance from indigenous and developing communities. Cris is a visionary, who clearly sees that the ways in which humans are using technology are not sustainable, and the time to act is now. Activist, advocate, author, and prolific speaker, Cris helps people move from the virtual, back into the real world.

Technology Management Webinars Series



Disconnect to Reconnect

Impact of technology on child development, behaviour, and learning.



The Learning Paradox

Prioritizing foundations for child growth and success over screen use.



Screening for Screens

Routine technology screening assessments can improve child and youth mental and physical health.

Harnessing Energy: Sensory Tools and Techniques for Responsible Learning


Harnessing Energy raises awareness regarding the reasons why Today’s Children are unable to pay attention and learn.  For learning to take place, children are required to process and integrate incoming sensory information from their environment.  This sensation is in the form of energy, and energy from the environment “primes” the body for leaning.  Children who overuse technology, experience body energy that is either charged or zoned out, limiting learning.  Teachers, parents and therapists will experience use of sensory tools and techniques to enable children to self regulate their energy bodies, to enhance attention and improve learning skill.


CD-Se -Sensory Processing: Harnessing Energy Sensory Tools and Techniques for Responsible Learning

Cost $99


Harnessing Energy profiles the Zone’in Concept to improve self-responsibility, and offers information regarding sensory integration, tools and techniques to enhance sensory processing, attention and learning ability. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify critical factors for healthy development, and strategies to promote achievement of foundation skills
  • Evaluate sensory processing in children, and apply relevant sensory interventions
  • Relate current technology research to child development, and initiate technology reduction strategies
  • Apply the Zone’in Program concepts, tools and techniques to Harness Energy and get Zone’in to Learn


Sensory Observations and Strategies
Zone’in Recommended Tools and Techniques

Evidence based – Research referenced – Strategy focused

Creator and Speaker

Webinar creator Cris Rowan is a well-known speaker and author to parents, teachers and clinicians throughout North America in the field of sensory integration, motor development, learning enhancement and the impact of technology on children’s neurological development. Cris has Bachelor of Science degrees in both Occupational Therapy and in Biology and is a SIPT certified Pediatric Sensory Specialist. Cris is CEO of Sunshine Coast Occupational Therapy Inc. and Zone’in Programs Inc. offering workshops/webinars, training, and consultation services to enhance child development, behavior and learning.  Cris is a prolific writer creating the Child Development Series Newsletter, Moving to Learn blog, Unplug – Don’t Drug peer reviewed publication, 10 Reasons to ban handheld devices in children under 12 viral Huffington Post article with 7.2 million “likes”, as well as her first book Virtual Child – The terrifying truth about what technology is doing to children. Cris is a member of the internationally renowned Institute for Digital Media and Child Development and the Children’s Screen Time Action Network – Screens in Schools Committee.

Cris Rowan

Who should buy and watch Webinar?

Parents, teachers, administrators, special education staff, occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, physical therapists, counsellors, physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and child care providers.  Child Development Webinars are designed to be introductory level for therapists, intermediate for teachers and advanced for parents, child care workers and teaching assistants.

Accessing Webinar Recordings

Each Child Development Webinar is 3 hours each, and is accessed via your computer or tablet. Package includes video and handouts.
Once signed in, you can access your files at anytime, watch at your leisure, alone or with your friends/colleagues, or show them at a Pro-D!.
Stop and start the webinar to suit your schedule – watch as many times as you like!
Buy one or buy all six in the Child Development Series.
All prices are in Canadian funds.


CD-Se – Sensory Processing: Harnessing Energy Sensory Tools and Techniques for Responsible Learning

Cost $99

Also available in the Child Development Series:

Other Webinars from Cris Rowan

Tech Talk Webinars

Ergonomic Webinars