Videos with Cris Rowan
Disconnect to Reconnect
A free two-hour webinar on 4 critical factors for child development
and the impact of screens on physical, social, mental, and cognitive function.
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Cris Rowan - Part 1 of 2 - Children and Screentime
48:06 min. video by Cris Rowan – Reykjavik Conference 2017 – Children, screentime and microwave radiation.
Cris Rowan - Part 2 of 2 - Children and Screentime
32:49 min. video by Cris Rowan – Reykjavik Conference 2017 – Children Screentime and Education – Wireless Radiation in School.
Message to Schools on EdTech
29 min. video on understanding both the promise and the perils associated with EdTech which are crucial, in order to make long range decisions which are best for all students.
Inside The Spectrum
60 min. live Interview with Cris Rowan by Lisa Fraser from SnugVest about sensory integration and Cris’s Zone’in, Move’in and Unplug’in Programs Titled: Inside the Spectrum – Episode 6 with Cris Rowan, Occupational Therapist
Refuse to Use
11 min. video titled: 10 reasons to ban technology in schools for children under the age of 12 years.
Teachers Teach, not Technology
2 min. video titled: 10 reasons to ban technology in schools for children under the age of 12 years.
Are We Facing A Technology Timebomb?
Live interview (starts at 4.33 minutes) with Cris Rowan for Good Morning Britain regarding impact of technology on child development and guidelines for safe use.
Ban Handheld Devices
10 min. video titled: 10 reasons to ban handheld devices with children under 12 years of age.
Cris Rowan
7 min. video with Cris Rowan, pediatric occupational therapist and CEO of Zone’in Programs Inc., describing why she is worried about children using technology, and what she is doing about it.
Remembering Christmas before technology.
4 min. video titled: Twas the Night Before Nannybots.
Reality Check
1 min. video depicting results of technology overuse by children.
Suffer the Children
4 min. slide show profiling research regarding the impact of technology on children.
Balanced Technology Management
7 min. slide show revealing team-focused initiatives to manage balance between healthy activity and technology.