Reconnect Webinars
Beyond the Screen
with Cris Rowan from Zone’in
Beyond the Screen
Humans have unconsciously created a virtual reality devoid of everything they need to be happy, healthy and productive.
Reconnect Webinars provides information about child development and learning, technology management, and workplace productivity.
Reconnect Webinars also certifies teacher and clinician instructors to be members of an elite team of visionaries and change makers.
Come, journey beyond the screen. Let’s create a life worth living.
Child Development Webinars
Strategy focused information for teachers and clinicians to optimize growth and academic success for every child.
Address post-covid delays with evidence based, non-screen, ‘tried and true’ teaching and learning strategies.
X 6 – 3 hr. webinars on child development and learning
CEU’s provided
Technology Management Webinars
Research referenced information for students, parents, teachers and clinicians to manage balance between technology and healthy activity.
Let’s get kids ‘moving to learn’ with classroom, gym and playground strategies.
Three-day Balanced Technology Management certification
CEU’s provided
Workplace Ergonomic
Evidenced based information, strategies and tools for health care, office and general labor sector employees to reduce strain injuries and optimize worker health and productivity.
Learn how to create healthy work environments for all staff!
3 hr. webinars on injury prevention and productivity
CEU’s provided
Take the Teen Screen
Addiction Trajectory Quiz
Where do you score on the Screen Addiction Trajectory?
What do you need to do to get healthy?
Featured Interview
Amy Bell takes a look at how screentime is impacting kids, and how we can manage it at home and at school.
Come join the Reconnect Webinars
Balanced Technology Management team!
Get your BTM certification status and CEU’s!
Click here for more information.
Cris Rowan, BScOT, BScBi, SIPT
Webinar creator Cris Rowan, is passionate about changing the ways in which humans use and interact with technology. Cris has developed a concept termed Balanced Technology Management (BTM) where humans strive to manage balance between healthy activity and technology.
Cris works globally and locally and has cross culture relevance from indigenous and developing communities. Cris is a visionary, who clearly sees that the ways in which humans are using technology are not sustainable, and the time to act is now. Activist, advocate, author, and prolific speaker, Cris helps people move from the virtual, back into the real world.
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Reconnect Webinars is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development approval #6106.